In the case of this project I am going to make very few commentaries, having the so-called reserved opinion!!!!!!!!! As a cultural visitor I should have heard the signals of the “feature presentation” made by the artist Wolfang Hainke in the extraordinary exhibition Terra incognita where he used sarcasm in order to promote the upcoming "Paula Modersohn-Becker und die Kunst in Paris um 1900 " by leaving a complete empty hall painted in strident colors frequently used by the artist in her work and with one and only painting representing the artist collection, a very small donkey with a huge frame that with sarcasm diminished the content of the work.
In my case I must confess that my naivety led me to the thought that a public intervention would have been a great opportunity to diminish the importance of a non interesting theme that summed up to a very bad curatorial strategy developed in a natural disaster with a total output: 50% of art pieces that did not function, 20% of pieces that will not last in the public sphere because of the liability of the material used for them and 10% that never got to be in the public realm. I see critically details of the works that contributed to a general depression and to little discussion on real concepts and interests for the artists who participated. All of this led to very superficial outcomes.
Here I include some pictures of the videos of my intervention on the information center of Worpswede. Of course they were never subjected to group analysis, so comments around the video-making process are always welcome. For those to whom “reflection” is a concern, my personal advice is to think about the extension of the word.