New Version of "The Word/ The Silence
After the production and practical montage of the work in the music school Franz Liszt, the installation “Das Wort / Die Stille” had dramatically changed and has been transformed in a documentation piece that was shown in the context of the “Festival der Sprache” in the Kunstakademie in Berlin. In this particular environment the work had another reading and of course another shape. The exhibition was held in a big hall where plastic standing walls were erected. In those walls of 2 x 1,5 mts, with divisions between fake plaques which consisted of metallic bands, were supposed to be located the work. The difference between a show room for an art festival and a site-specific location is immense. Nevertheless, the difference between a piece in its initial location and a documentation of that same piece in another location is also extremely different. The public that assists to a conference program and an art festival relates to the language, but of course differs to the one that meets in a library of a music school. For me there is always the question on why the official or institutional output of a piece is generally a diffused situation, where the artist and not the institution is completely satisfied with the work?
In this case I must say, that my relationship with Goethe Institute are pretty good and the standards of behavior and humanity are high. This puts the work in another realm; since I have been in Germany I seem to have lost the contact with the human being that is behind the montage and display of a work. I gladly say that even if the final constitution of this exhibition is for me not related to the sensibility of art pieces, working in a place where the people are interested in what they are doing and use their heart to sustain things, is a big reward. This situation makes me think on the necessity of Think Tanks and multidisciplinary teams that will solve esthetical problems and who together can find a better solution for the paradigmatical, of course, never reachable, art exhibition. The problem is still a romantic idea of what an educational display should contain and the type of information that is possible to handle.

The Word / The Silence
As part of the project “Day to Day in Weimar” in the context of the program Master of Public Art and New Artistic Strategies of the Bauhaus Universität and supported by the sponsorship of the Goethe Institut Caracas in the environment of the project “der Macht des Sprache”, the artist Nayari Castillo presented a video-intervention that relates the daily and difficult condition of the immigrant with the surrounding world of meanings, with the new and complete faraway experience of the “other” trough verbs. This fuzzy state of loosing the self in translation transforms the reflection about the sign and the meaning into a bodily-related state of the mind. The word that before was a complex nostalgia of the past environment is now a new and particular corporal sensation related to the images that its touch reveals. The video consists of a game between word and image, where the poetic relationship is translated into contemplation. These series of video relate also with the silent, and the powerful instance in which the mind recreates it self in meditative situations. The word as an open door to understand the meaning of the soul, the word as silent witness of the agitate life of the brain, the word as presence and absence and as an excuse to be silent to listen to the internal fluids and, in terms of John Cage, understand the personal music.
The intervention “Das Wort/Die Stille” has been conceptualized as an almost invisible installation in the index-card shelves of the library of the school of music Franz Liszt in Weimar. Videos about the word and its significance as poetic discourse, in term of its impact in the comprehension of the language of silence, were projected in tiny screens that replaced for a period of a week the usual box of the index. This small installation is meant to create awareness on image and video as possible media to describe the word, as a translation dialogging between the world of the images and the power of the language; and over all, to talk to the users of the library, by whispering about the human condition of contemplation, about the ideal status of the word, that is the always silent and deep companion in the travel of the mind. In practical terms the spectator, the normal user of the index-cards, will observe a small change in its environment, a subtle discourse about silence and the real and abstract meaning of words.
After the production and practical montage of the work in the music school Franz Liszt, the installation “Das Wort / Die Stille” had dramatically changed and has been transformed in a documentation piece that was shown in the context of the “Festival der Sprache” in the Kunstakademie in Berlin. In this particular environment the work had another reading and of course another shape. The exhibition was held in a big hall where plastic standing walls were erected. In those walls of 2 x 1,5 mts, with divisions between fake plaques which consisted of metallic bands, were supposed to be located the work. The difference between a show room for an art festival and a site-specific location is immense. Nevertheless, the difference between a piece in its initial location and a documentation of that same piece in another location is also extremely different. The public that assists to a conference program and an art festival relates to the language, but of course differs to the one that meets in a library of a music school. For me there is always the question on why the official or institutional output of a piece is generally a diffused situation, where the artist and not the institution is completely satisfied with the work?
In this case I must say, that my relationship with Goethe Institute are pretty good and the standards of behavior and humanity are high. This puts the work in another realm; since I have been in Germany I seem to have lost the contact with the human being that is behind the montage and display of a work. I gladly say that even if the final constitution of this exhibition is for me not related to the sensibility of art pieces, working in a place where the people are interested in what they are doing and use their heart to sustain things, is a big reward. This situation makes me think on the necessity of Think Tanks and multidisciplinary teams that will solve esthetical problems and who together can find a better solution for the paradigmatical, of course, never reachable, art exhibition. The problem is still a romantic idea of what an educational display should contain and the type of information that is possible to handle.

The Word / The Silence
As part of the project “Day to Day in Weimar” in the context of the program Master of Public Art and New Artistic Strategies of the Bauhaus Universität and supported by the sponsorship of the Goethe Institut Caracas in the environment of the project “der Macht des Sprache”, the artist Nayari Castillo presented a video-intervention that relates the daily and difficult condition of the immigrant with the surrounding world of meanings, with the new and complete faraway experience of the “other” trough verbs. This fuzzy state of loosing the self in translation transforms the reflection about the sign and the meaning into a bodily-related state of the mind. The word that before was a complex nostalgia of the past environment is now a new and particular corporal sensation related to the images that its touch reveals. The video consists of a game between word and image, where the poetic relationship is translated into contemplation. These series of video relate also with the silent, and the powerful instance in which the mind recreates it self in meditative situations. The word as an open door to understand the meaning of the soul, the word as silent witness of the agitate life of the brain, the word as presence and absence and as an excuse to be silent to listen to the internal fluids and, in terms of John Cage, understand the personal music.
The intervention “Das Wort/Die Stille” has been conceptualized as an almost invisible installation in the index-card shelves of the library of the school of music Franz Liszt in Weimar. Videos about the word and its significance as poetic discourse, in term of its impact in the comprehension of the language of silence, were projected in tiny screens that replaced for a period of a week the usual box of the index. This small installation is meant to create awareness on image and video as possible media to describe the word, as a translation dialogging between the world of the images and the power of the language; and over all, to talk to the users of the library, by whispering about the human condition of contemplation, about the ideal status of the word, that is the always silent and deep companion in the travel of the mind. In practical terms the spectator, the normal user of the index-cards, will observe a small change in its environment, a subtle discourse about silence and the real and abstract meaning of words.